Every once in a while I like to indulge in a massage. Not often, like three times a year, if that. Lately I have been using Groupon to do the massages and just take a leap of faith that it will be decent. Now, I am a snob when it comes to anything salon or spa related since this is where I work every single day. Where I work, we are meticulous about customer service. We know who you are before you walk in, where you came from, why you are here, who you will be visiting, how long you will be here, what kind of beverage you prefer, what your allergies are...etc. We are highly professional and since this is the standard that I am only used to, I expect a lot, maybe too much from the beauty industry. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I know one thing: I am analyzing everything when I visit another salon/spa. Everything. I am analyzing the floors when I walk in, the way I am greeted, the posters on the wall, the specials, the cleanliness of stations, the front desk, the way the staff interact with other guests, and on and on. With that being said, I will now take you on my most recent adventure: Sangita's Spa in Lake Worth.
The only saving grace of Sangita's was how sweet everyone there was. If the staff was rude I would have regretted ever buying that little coupon deal. But I walked in, fifteen minutes early, to three ladies standing around. They weren't open for another fifteen minutes so I guess I startled them. One lady asked me if I was a customer, to which I replied yes. She walked off and said she was going to go get ready for me. In my snob mind I was thinking, "Why aren't you ready for me now?"
I would have been ready and waiting, but that's just me. Snob me.
I asked to use a restroom prior to my services, one girls eyes got real big and then asked what seemed to be her mother if the toilet was working. Mom ever so nicely instructed me to go to the Subway two doors down since their toilet didn't work. Should I make noises similar to a buzzer every time I am less than impressed? BUZZ!!! EEERRRRR.
Bad Buzzer |
Now I feel half bad writing this review, only because everyone was really very nice. But I could tell this spa was NOT their passion. It was just a place to make a few dollars. It was not busy, so they probably aren't booming by any means. The front desk girl, I found out, was Sangita's daughter, Meisha. Super sweet. She told me to have a seat and that my massage lady was on her way. (ON HER WAY?- BUZZZZ). Meisha proceeded to talk into her computer..."Hi guys, this is Meisha...can you believe it, I just turned 14! Oh, wait...Let me do this again...", "Hey guys, I know I haven't been around lately, I've been really busy-wait...", "Hey....it's me, Meisha...." This was actually really cute. I asked her what she was doing. Turns out Meisha is a singer, who once a year goes to London for training. She has 2 followers on her blog and does covers of pop songs such as Katy Perry and the like. She asked if she could play a few of her songs. I sat back and waited to hear something similar to a bad audition from American Idol, but what I heard was actually spot on "Teenage Dream." She actually had a really great voice. We talked a little bit about her blog and her music until my lady walked in and brought me back to a very bare bones room with light decor. The light was off and there was no music, the only light available was the sliding door being slightly open- which continued to stay open during the entire massage. (Good thing they weren't busy.) I stripped down to my undies and slipped under the sheets waiting for my relaxing hour of peace.
This is not what it was like. I couldn't breathe. |
I have had a few massages over time so I know when someone is into it and when they aren't. I don't think my lady was into it. I got the feeling that this was a family spa and the kids were kind of expected to help with the business. My girl was sweet but I could tell she did not want to be here rubbing me down. Instead of feeling relaxed, I was flinching every time she rubbed me in an area that had bone (like the top of my foot- which she just kept rubbing and rubbing and rubbing- I started to feel puke come up.) But I grinned and bared it repeating "Beauty is pain, it hurts
SOOOO good" over and over in my head. I mean, massages are supposed to hurt a little bit, right? There was really no point during the massage that I was in heaven. I was highly aware of every stroke, press, rub, and squeeze that was happening to my body. Again, super sweet, but sweet doesn't slap the oil on and go to town.
I guess the best part was when she asked me if I minded a "Butt Massage." At first I thought she said "back massage," and I was like, "well, yeah, isn't that included?" But then I realized she said butt. Well, I am here aren't I? And you only live once. Why not, give my butt a good rub down. Go to town, lady. Knock yourself out. She pulled my undies down to the bottom of my tush (which was kinda reminiscent of my toddler days) and just rubbed her heart out. This I suppose was my little slice of heaven. My butt has never been so happy. I'm pretty sure she worked on my bum for a good ten minutes- and I didn't even have to pay anything extra.
Butt Massage? HOT DIGGITY DOG! |
Once the massage was over I sat up and quickly got dressed. I usually slowly wake up and stretch my arms and linger for a while, but I really just wanted to leave. Two girls asked me if I would like to buy another massage at the same price as my Groupon coupon, but I declined. This had been a bitter sweet experience, but it was time to move on. I would not be visiting Sangita's ever again, but there was a part of me that was glad I had. Between Meisha's serenade and my first ever real life butt massage, I knew I could take away a little something from this whole visit and that was satisfying enough.